Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hey family! I have a new blog! Come and see!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008


I love you, dear family! I only wish that I could have spent QUALITY time with you all--telling stories, playing games, or even just laughing. I got to feel your love, though, nonetheless and I am grateful. THANK YOU! In fact, I even got around to posting on my own blog about just how grateful I am. Go and see.

(Item #3 on that post seems to me as a link that you Ord girls would particularly enjoy)...

Friday, August 22, 2008


Happiness is celebrating tomorrow night...

(and hopefully hugging as many of you as possible)...

Happiness will also be a day of rest the next day...



Friday, August 15, 2008

Lindsay Lou

Today is Lindsay's 19th Birthday. I'm sorry I didn't get to my computer sooner to post this, but I've been baking pies with her all day!:) WE LOVE YOU LINDSAY! Happy Birthday Sistah!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

one determined kid

I know we have added about 40 posts in the last little while, but we thought this video of gregory working on his standing skills was worth sharing. enjoy!

a tribute to the man, and his boat

here is our favorite lake coach doin' his thang... thanks again for towing us all over the lake, dan!

WakebOaRDing... and some surfing

here are a few action shots from last weekend...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Family Tree

Check out what my very talented sister did for me. It's the wall above my couch in the family room and will have 4x6 framed family photos hung on it in the near future (I'll post another pic for you all to admire). I absolutely love it! I can't wait to get all the pictures gathered and hung. Thanks Linds!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hey everyone I'm so excited for this week! It's going to be wonderful to see Olivia and Ben get married and spend time with them and all of you! Just thought I'd share a couple of pictures from my trip back to my mission a couple of weeks ago (: it was so fun to see the families I worked with! Can't wait to be with you all!