Tuesday, October 14, 2008

testing testing

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OK - So i'm told that in the summer of '64 Mom, Grandma B, and the 5 of us piled in the station wagon and drove to Canada! I don't remember any of the traveling, I don't remember any of the beautiful stops and sights that i recently saw in the home movie...
I remember a couple of random things that could be real or imagined!
I remember feeling happy being in the home of our fun cousins (Uncle Perry and Gang - a couple of photos to follow) -and that a HUGE "wheel" of cheddar cheese wrapped in red orange wax was delivered to them while we were there.
At the Hall family reunion (Grandma B & her dozen siblings)- Sandra, Sue, & I sang "Puff the Magic Dragon" in matching dresses that grandma had sewn for us.
I remember that we went to the "Calgary Stampede" and that i'd never seen any rodeo type events prior to that.
Yes, random...
But WAY more importantly, ever since last Thursday evening when we gathered at Sue's to review some DVD's of old home movies, I've been feeling more and more grateful for GREAT PARENTS!!
...And realizing how FAR I still have to go (as a parent) by comparison!
'Bob & Donna' not only went to the trouble and expense of taking us on vacations and allowed us to participate in all types of activities, but they also made sure they captured much of those memories on FILM!!!
For 20 years Dad made sure he had rolls of film on hand; he used & cared for his equiptment, hassled with having film developed, then spliced, labeled, and kept track of it all!
-Several reels he's had for over 50 years. I think the oldest was filmed in '56 or '57 and the last was probably my high school graduation in '77 (one roll that unfortunately ended up in my possession, because i know i saw it in some box of mine in the past year... but i have no idea which one).
And another thing... our parents made those sacrifices while we argued, complained, and focused on what we still wanted rather than all we'd been given!
Lastly... seeing all these movies of MOM; smiling, connecting, loving, living - Just has me wanting to be around her again! I grin from ear to ear as i watch her - then think of her later in a quiet moment and cry. It's painful - but sweet and essential at the same time...


Sue said...

ditto... sista. Very well said! I can't wait for the kids and grandkids to get to know her through these DVDs.

Amie said...

I'm so excited to watch them and get to know her a little bit too!