Wednesday, May 13, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the best Dad and Grandpa EVER!

Thanks for your great example
and your dedication to each of us.

We love you, Dad.

Have a Happy Birthday!

{p.s....that's a pretty cool tie!}


Richard said...

Hope you have a great day, Bob! Thanks for all of your kindness and encouragement.

SL&G said...

Happy Birthday Grandpa! We Love you!!!

Grandpa said...

Thank you Sue and family for the Birthday greetings and love.  All of you bring joy to my life and make me want to have many more birthdays.  I have great love for you all. Dad

olivia said...

Happy Birthday Grandpa! I thought of you and your birthday even before getting out of bed this morning. I hope I can get a call into you tonight. Glad you weren't bad luck on Friday the 13th! You bless with everything GOOD! Love you, Olivia

Cherie said...

Hope you've had a great day, DAD!

Hope you heard our singing on your answering machine...

let's do lunch in Provo SOON!!


Sandy said...

Here's to many more, Daddy O! XOXOX