Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Paris, France!


olivia said...

TOTALLY, TOTALLY, TOTALLY, just cried right along with you (well, the 4-hours-ago-you), as you read the words of that letter...I don't remember crying while I read the letter to me, but I guess now I know the extent of what an experience it is, and—I admit—my tears are probably those of jealousy! Serving in the calling of missionary is just THE coolest experience ever.

The letter is true: you will enjoy greater blessings and happiness than you have yet experienced.

I guess the WAIT will be the hardest part. :) I got my call in June too and entered 3 days before October... but you can enjoy the wait too. It is surely for a good reason.

Love you, Linds! Congrats and I'm jealous!

Oh yeah—and Paris is cool too. ;)

Sandy said...

Complete AWE -SOME - NESS!

Maya said...

That is OH SO exciting! Congratulations! You'll leave right after my birthday! You don't wanna miss that. :)