Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Big News!

I just wanted to let you all know that we are having another boy!  Sam is trilled to have a brother and Ella just doesn't really know the difference between a boy an a girl anyway.  I think Jared is extremely happy to not add more estrogen to the home.  The ultrasound showed that he is healthy and that is the most important thing of all.  We are excited to meet the little guy around March 12th.  


Cherie said...

Great news!!

I just sent you an email of congrats, and asking about possible names... but for now we'll call him baby "e" for short... (you know, for Ecoli - or maybe "École" pues.

Amie said...

Congratulations! Sam will have so much fun. Eric would love another brother! Can't wait to meet him.

Sue said...

SO happy for you! Congrats!!