Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving.

Hi Five!

Yeah, I just wanted to say happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Well, not everyone, but all of you guys. :~P

Eat. Eat well.

Love y'all!

posted by Calvin at 6:04 am

HEY - great pic, cal! i didn't even recognize it as your hand right away - have you ever graced us with a prior post???... but luckily maya was right next to me viewing my every move with one eye and commenting on the parade with the other. we saw it an hour ago when i opened email instead of the recipe for yummy stuff i'll be taking to the gathering of guatemalans in centerville later on...
Then i had to wander off, now i'm back on the couch - still no open pie recipe, maya left me as soon as i wouldn't relenquesh my laptop to her! - off to check her email elsewhere... but Josie joined me! I showed her your hand, then here we've been relishing the marvelous moment. she endured grocery shopping with me yesterday... and here we were, just the 2 of us - unbreakfasted... Sooo, i said, "josie, grab 2 of the haagen dazs and 2 spoons!" - she with her 'peppermint bark' and i with my 'mocha chip' (my kids tell me i'm not a mormon when i eat mocha flavored anything - oh DARN, they won't want me to share any!) ---- but head's up to any ord's with an albertson's anywhere near you - haagen dazs are 3 for 10 and they count towards a total that gets you a free DVD!! (i guess we should've bought more than 4!! - but we still got 'WALL-E' FREE thanks to other more practical items from their list) --- Am i rambling?? how odd!
But just so you all know... Gratefully, i have many memories hard-wired in this vast brain of mine! Among them are those of Thanksgiving mornings on Prospect St -
...I roll out of bed just after 7 and head to the kitchen, rubbing my eyes. Dad has already transformed the space into a magical place... His white chef's apron is on; having stuffed, sewn, buttered, and seasoned his bird, he's ready to put it in the upper oven. He greets me, and fills me in on what i've missed of the parade. It's on in the background on the 'portable' rabbit eared black and white that he's brought in from his study - a precious square foot in total size. With the bird baking, his efforts are back on his precious pies... - only 2 kinds he likes, you know, 'hot pie & cold pie'...
A shout out of gratitude to Dad and his great attitude!! not to mention Annie Claire who patiently taught him the pie process/art... and a hooray to whomever taught her the same, perhaps 'Grandma white-haired White'??
Love to you ALL, hope you gather and enjoy today!!!

posted by mom/cherie at 10 am


Sue said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you as well:) And to all of the awesome Ord family! Love you guys.

Amie said...

That is a cool pic, Calvin! I hope is was a great day for you all too. Cherie, thanks for sharing that memory! That's a little tidbit some of us might not have otherwise known about and I appreciate it! Grandpa really is amazing.

Mark & Sandy said...

One thing you forgot, Cherie, was the chunk of lard sitting on the counter... pie crusts HAD to be made with LARD, not shortening!

Cherie said...

That's right!! and that's why Jan said no way jose!
by the way, i asked rick smith last sunday if aunt barbara made pies when he was little!! YEP, she sure did! Incredible flaky crusted pies. she also made lots of "grandpa salad" jello/cottage cheese because he couldn't have green salad like everyone else... aunt barb still made grandpa salad for their gathering last Thursday.