Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Long Distance

I am so grateful these days for technology. It's really wonderful to be able to stay up to date on my family from so far away. I even got to watch Calvin open his call. And I don't have to wait for another five weeks to find out how every one is doing. Speaking of which, I'm so glad Mya is okay. Brig and Emily and all of you are constantly in my prayers.

For those of you who don't know, I'm in Guatemala right now, in the same city where my dad grew up. I love it here! It's completely worth it. Sometimes it's hard, like when there is only one bathroom with out a sink because the others are being repaired, or when I feel bad for refusing more food 'cause of how fast I get full/how much I miss my mom's dinners, or when I don't drink the milk at the end of a bowl of cereal because the dairy here is weird. But it's all worth it. I really miss Utah, but... well, like I keep saying, this is worth it. Thanks to Mom and Papá for letting me come.

I don't have a digital camera, or I'd post pictures. I know people who have one, so I'll try to get some fotos soon.

But hey Josie, your mommy has access to a picasa web album from your photographer RM cousin, Jordan... who happened to be in Guate the first week you were... so there you GO!!!


Amie said...

We're all grateful for technology too and so glad that you get to have this great opportunity! I hope you can get a hold of a camera soon because we'd love to see some pictures!

Sue said...

What a great opportunity for you! Please keep us posted on how things are going:)

Sandy said...

So glad you are having this great experience... one you'll never forget! Glad to hear from you! Let us know more about it! XOXOX