I've been awake since about 4:00 this morning thinking about them:
Amie in the early stages of pregnancy--morning sickness, etc.-- with a sick little Emilie (mono)
Leslie in the later stages of pregnancy-- sore, can't bend over, etc.-- with a sick little Ella (bladder infection)
Lauri with newborn Mya-- worn out, hormones still out of whack etc.--with a sick little Mya (RSV)
We feel your pain.
I'm sure you weren't expecting all of this when you signed up. It takes everything you've got and then some more.
Motherhood is not for wimps. And pregnancy is not for the feint of heart (or stomach).
I know there are times when you feel like yours is a most unappreciated lot in life. This is the absolute hardest and most exhausting thing you've ever done.
We just want you to know that we salute you, we support you, we pray for you, we love you. Thank you for sacrificing your time, your sleep, your health, your own interests, your otherwise glamorous life, and your sanity to bring these precious children into the world and give them all you have. You are all doing an amazing job... (and I'm including Andrea and Lyric here too!)
I can remember being willing to give my right arm for just one night of uninterrupted sleep. Now I would give anything to be able to have my kids little for just one more day...
And now, while I'm sure your kids have already awakened you from a blissful night of sleep and you're at it again, I think I'll go back to bed! :)
Thanks Sandy! What would we do without the mothers, aunts, cousins, and sisters in our lives to encourage and understand us in a way no one else ever will? I'm grateful for my loving family and especially my girlie girls! Love you!
Amen, sister... very well said and so exactly true! It even made me a little teary. To all of you little mommies in the awesome Ord fam... Andrea, Amie, Les, Lauri and Lyric - we are so proud of you for all that you are doing! We love you!! Keep it up and enjoy the ride, because, as Sandy said... it is over much too soon. So hard and so worth it:)
You go girls.
you struck a tear in my eye as well...
the divinity of motherhood is something i realize more and more each day. it is SOOO underrated i think. there are mothers everywhere, & it's easy to take it for granted, but it really is a divine role.
not that i can speak from experience--but even JUST the little TASTE i've had in trying to lighten a bit of Mom's load has given me enough to know that every caring mother is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.
Wings earned!!
- and i've always agreed with the 'not for wimps' part.
I admire how all you MOMS of all 3 current generations handle it all and have it 'together'...
I'm still trying to imagine how that would feel!! Most days i do NOT feel capable of identifying all the pieces of 'IT' so i could ever entertain the notion of having them together. But even if i knew what those pieces were, I'd then be required to FIND and keep track of them, and on top of all those impossibilities, attempt to KEEP them TOGETHER!!
...NOt in MY lifetime... but most days, i at least know that i want to keep trying!
But having the examples, support, understanding, forgiveness, help, and love of you all has kept my out of the care facility at the end of Center St in Provo!
(i guess the previous statement would lead me to a shout out to KOKI... who patiently deals with MY craziness in the trenchs and in the shared bedroom with the messy walk-in closet like i had & hated having when i was little... and if he EVER in his lifetime wanted to read a blog, he'd see that i just paid tribute to him in the same mega-long comment in which* i also paid tribute to the ROYAL QUEEN bees of this fun family!)
*I just LITERALLY had to think of Calvin, (who occasionally reads blogs) as i corrected my "in which" sentence structure there!
What a gal you are, Cherie! You are doing better thank you think you are. Go easy on yourself:)
I agree with my mom. I count myslef lucky to have had all three of the Ord sisters as examples of Motherhood in my life.
Thanks for the sweet words! It came on a day I really needed it! Thanks
Thanks for the sweet words! It came on a day I really needed it! Thanks
oh how I look up to all of you mothers. I hope I can live up to the standard you have set! I love your children. They're all so sweet and special.
Thank you for those tender words. Sometimes it just takes knowing somebody understands what you're going through to give you added strength. I appreciate you and all you have done to help lately. Who would have thought motherhood would be so wonderful and so challenging all at the same time? One thing I know is that its totally worth it!
Your email Sandy didn't just make me teary . . . it caused the dam to break. You are so good to listen to me and not judge. I am so lucky to be apart of the ORD family --so many great examples to learn from. I must remember to savor each day of Motherhood. I have the most wonderful little chicks and they are growing up too fast. I sure wish my mom and mom-in-law were closer. I can't tell you all how excited I am for them to come visit when the baby comes. They are both such great examples to me. Hang in there Mammas. It's nice to know I'm not the only one hanging by a thread. Love you all. --Les
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