Monday, February 2, 2009

We have another Bishop !!!!

We received a phone call late Saturday night from Brig informing us that in a meeting with his stake president on Thursday he was called to be the Bishop of the Spanish Ward in the Menlo Park Stake. Brig has had an association with that ward for ten years in one capacity or another, most recently as the High Council advisor, having been released from that assignment about a year ago. When he mentioned this to the President Jacobs he was told that it was time for the ward to become bi-lingual and that he had been impressed by the spirit that Brig was the one needed to accomplish that goal. The Spanish members of the Ward need to learn English in order to be more successful in establishing themselves in America. Needless to say Brig is very humbled by this call and has spent some sleepless nights. He and Tara went to the Temple and received inspiration and peace and strength to face this new challenge. He will be sustained on February 15th. Congratulation Brig, our pride in you and love for you knows no bounds. We join together as a family in prayer for your success. Dad.


Amie said...

That's great news! We love you Brig!

Mark & Sandy said...

I'd love to have you for my bishop! Buena Suerte... I know you'll be wonderful!

Sue said...

Great news, Bishop Brigham:) We love you!