Friday, June 6, 2008

The family band is expecting a new member.

For those of you who did not pick up on the subtle big sister comment on Lauri's "Nursemaid" post on our blog, ,we will be adding a new member to our family band on January 5, 2009! Hopefully he/she can learn the bass since Emma prefers the drums.

(First off! I must say it was a proud moment for dad, when Emma picked up those drum sticks for the first time and started playing. A tear almost appeared! Rock Band is Inspired! Thanks Xbox!)

Also! Great choice on the play list! These songs always remind me of Tahoe and da ORDS! However, Scott and I might appreciate Micheal Jackson's Black or White!

Here we go Tara:

Maybe we will have an ORDinary boy, at 12 will be ORDained, at 16 go on a date where he scORD, at 19 fly into ORD (Chicago airport) on a mission for the LORD, watch for grandma Tyson using her vocal chORDs singing with one accORD with the Mo Tab, eat gORDs of gORDS with the members of the wa-ORD, come home after he tORD the city, and marry an extORdinary girl, and then multiply and replenish the ORDs


Amie said...

WEEEHOOO! Congratulations! That is great news!

Cherie said...


Best thing any parent could possibly do for their child... give them siblings!!!
Thanks Dad & Mom for being willing to not stop after your PPP girl! I will forever and ever be grateful for DAN BRIG SANDY & SUE -the best sibs a baby brat could EVER hope for!!!

Jared said...

You should have stopped at 1.

Jared said...

I can do vasectomies in 10 minutes flat for any interested...