Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I knew one of you creative family members would have a better title than I could come up with! Thanks Cherie! And the video post was impressive! I am changing the template of the blog because the font that the other one uses for the title is all lower-case and can't be changed, which means your very clever title wouldn't work. Now we'll have to see if the other "old folks" can keep up with their little sister! :)


Cherie said...

uploading the silly little video clip took a LONG time (over 10 mins)-even high speed blah blah. But I've been curious as to the best way to electronically share little clips other than YouTube... so i was anxious to test it all out. In my never to be humble opinion, the title looks fun, but bummer on the upper/lower issue w/ templates - grrrr

Cherie said...

but i still think several of you family members can run with your creative juices and continue to tweak -- an ever evolving ALIVE blah blah blog.

Amie said...

I totally agree with the creative juices thing, and I know there is a better template out there! I'm sure one of you will know where to find it! :)