Thursday, June 12, 2008

Still Got It

This is what I was doing on my first day of work. Eat your heart out!


Cherie said...

Wicked spray!!
Just takes me right back to summer '65 -Turlock or somewhere... both of us squatting w/ our knees to our chins, and skiis twice as long as we were tall - i'd shiver and cry and say "no, i don't want to" -then Joyce or Ernie or someone would day "hit it" and up we'd pop and my tears would turn to laughter in an instant!

Sue said...

Oh yes, those were the days. I can totally relate to the misery of it. Or how 'bout the tears we shed while trying to get all 5 of us up at one time... and the joy of having Brig and Dan spray the 3girls the entire time. Now THAT was some fun!

SL&G said...

Straight up dope.

Tara and Brig Ord said...

I want your job! I must say everything gets better after 50 ;)

olivia said...

um... so please update us on the new job? i'm racking my brain for what the new position could be and the best i can come up with is solo ski "tester"... let's see your wORDs about the job!!

Tyler said...

Do they have any positions available?

Sue said...

Don't you all WISH they had jobs available!! I will keep you posted:) I totally lucked out... a fun company, good job AND they love Lake Powell. What could be better than that??